
Guide to some birds of the Okhotsk region

EurasianJay StellarsSeeagle Redpoll BlakistonsFishowl LathamsSnipe JapaneseCrane Skylark LongtailedTit JuvenileSwan
Whooper Swan White-tailed Sea-Eagle Stellar's Sea-Eagle Hazel Grouse
Japanese Crane Far Eastern Curlew Latham's Snipe Ross's Gull
Blakiston's Fish-Owl Ural Owl Black Woodpecker Lesser Spotted Woodpecker
Eurasian Skylark Long-tailed Tit Snow Bunting Common Redpoll
Tree Sparrow Eurasian Jay Northern Raven Buller's Shearwater*
Swan Goose* Ashy Minivet* To Checklist To Bird Guide Top

Ross's Gull   Rhodostethia rosea    Himekubiwa-kamome

A small gull about the size of a pigeon, Ross's Gull breeds in the Arctic region and was thought to be only a very rare visitor to Japan, but it is sometimes seen in the Okhotsk region during periods when the drift ice has closed in along the coast. We believe Ross's Gull actually comes almost every year. It is normally seen in small groups of several birds, though it has occasionally been seen in large flocks of around 100. A large flock like this was observed in January 2001.

Though the depth of color varies with individuals, the adults have a rose pink hue over their entire body, and they have attractive eyes that are large relative to their heads.


Adult in winter plumage
(Shari fishing port, 25 December 2005)


Adult in winter plumage
(Mouth of the Shari River, 7 January 2001)


Adult in winter plumage
(Mouth of the Shari River, 7 January 2001)