
Guide to some birds of the Okhotsk region

EurasianJay StellarsSeeagle Redpoll BlakistonsFishowl LathamsSnipe JapaneseCrane Skylark LongtailedTit JuvenileSwan
Whooper Swan White-tailed Sea-Eagle Stellar's Sea-Eagle Hazel Grouse
Japanese Crane Far Eastern Curlew Latham's Snipe Ross's Gull
Blakiston's Fish-Owl Ural Owl Black Woodpecker Lesser Spotted Woodpecker
Eurasian Skylark Long-tailed Tit Snow Bunting Common Redpoll
Tree Sparrow Eurasian Jay Northern Raven Buller's Shearwater*
Swan Goose* Ashy Minivet* To Checklist To Bird Guide Top

Ashy Minivet   Pericrocotus divaricatus   Sanshoukui

A sighting of one male and three female Ashy Minivets on 19 May 2007 at Mamushi Rock in Shari was reported in issue #29 (2008) of the Bulletin of the Shiretoko Museum (Kenkyuu Houkoku). This represents the first confirmed sighting of an Ashy Minivet in the Okhotsk region, so we have added it to our Checklist.

The Ashy Minivet breeds in southwestern Japan and is a rare summer visitor to Hokkaido where it appears most often on Teuri Island, in the Japan Sea off the west coast.