
Okhotsk Chapter
of the Wild Bird Society of Japan

Japanese Bird Names

Below is a guide to the meanings of the Japanese names of some birds in the Okhotsk region. Though kanji characters exist for most bird names, they are normally written in the katakana phonetic script. Learning the meanings of the names might help you to remember them more easily. "Gen" in the Notes column refers to general terms. For the more difficult names, I referred to "Yachou no Namae (Names of Wild Birds)" by Naoya Abe (Yama-kei, 2008), marked by (*) when cited. Japanese bird guides typically divide the bird world into Water Birds and Land Birds, so I follow this convention here. [more birds will come]

For a guide to the pronunciation of Japanese bird names (refreshingly easy compared to many other languages), have a look at the Pronunciation Guide page.
The table on the Name Components page focuses on the more common components of Japanese bird names that appear in the Meaning column below.

Water Birds        Land Birds

    Water Birds

E Name J Name
J Name
Meaning Notes
Geese, Swans, Ducks, Mergansers, Grebes, Loons/Divers, Cormorants, Herons & Egrets
Bean Goose Hishikui ヒシクイ hishi: Water chestnut; kui: Eating  
White-fronted Goose Ma-gan マガン ma: True; gan: Goose Gen: gan = goose
Snow Goose Haku-gan ハクガン haku: White; gan: Goose White also "shiro/jiro"
Brant/Brent Goose Koku-gan コクガン koku: Black; gan: Goose Black also "kuro/guro"
Swan Goose Sakatsura-gan サカツラガン saka: Saké; tsura: Face; gan: Goose Reddish face makes it look like it had a drink (*)
Whooper Swan Oo-hakuchou オオハクチョウ oo: Large; haku: White; chou: Bird White also "shiro/jiro";
Bird also "tori/dori"
Tundra Swan Ko-hakuchou コハクチョウ ko: Small; haku: White; chou: Bird Gen: hakuchou = swan
Mallard Ma-gamo マガモ ma: True; gamo: Duck Gen: kamo = duck
Northern Shoveler Hashibiro-gamo ハシビロガモ hashi: Bill; biro: Wide; gamo: Duck
Northern Pintail Onaga-gamo オナガガモ o: Tail; naga: Long; gamo: Duck
Teal Ko-gamo コガモ ko: Small; gamo: Duck
Tufted Duck Kinkuro-hajiro キンクロハジロ kin: Gold; kuro: Black; ha: Wing; jiro: White Gold eye, Black overall, White wings (*)
Greater Scaup Suzu-gamo スズガモ suzu: Bell; gamo: Duck Sounds like bells when flock takes flight (*)
Harlequin Duck Shinori-gamo シノリガモ shinori: Star; gamo: Duck Shinori is name of a star (*)
Black Scoter Kuro-gamo クロガモ koku: Black; gamo: Duck  
Common Goldeneye Hoojiro-gamo ホオジロガモ hoo: Cheek; jiro: White; gamo: Duck  
Long-tailed Duck Koori-gamo コオリガモ koori: Ice; gamo: Duck  
Common Merganser Kawa-aisa カワアイサ kawa: River; aisa: Merganser  
Red-breasted Merganser Umi-aisa ウミアイサ umi: Sea; aisa: Merganser  
Little Grebe Kaitsuburi カイツブリ kaitsuburi: Grebe  
Red-necked Grebe Akaeri-kaitsuburi アカエリカイツブリ aka: Red; eri: Neck; kaitsuburi: Grebe eri = collar, neckband
Great Crested Grebe Kanmuri-kaitsuburi カンムリカイツブリ kanmuri: Crested; kaitsuburi: Grebe  
Horned Grebe Mimi-kaitsuburi ミミカイツブリ mimi: Ear; kaitsuburi: Grebe  
Eared Grebe Hajiro-kaitsuburi ハジロカイツブリ ha: Feather; jiro: White: kaitsuburi: Grebe ha羽: Normally feather, sometimes wing
Pacific Loon/Diver Shiroeri-oohamu シロエリオオハム shiro: White; eri: Neck; oohamu: Loon/Diver Gavia pacifica
Yellow-billed Loon (US)
White-billed Diver (UK)
Hashijiro-abi ハシジロアビ hashi: Bill; jiro: White; abi: Loon/Diver Gavia adamsii
Great Northern Loon/Diver Hashiguro-abi ハシグロアビ hashi: Bill; guro: Black; abi: Loon/Diver Gavia immer; One sighting only, in Wakkanai (2003)
Great Cormorant Kawa-u カワウ kawa: River; u: Cormorant  
Japanese/Temmink's Cormorant Umi-u ウミウ umi: Sea; u: Cormorant  
Grey Heron Ao-sagi アオサギ ao: Blue; sagi: Heron Gen: sagi = heron/egret
Great (White) Egret Dai-sagi ダイサギ dai: Great; sagi: Egret  
Intermediate Egret Chuu-sagi チュウサギ chuu: Middle; sagi: Egret  
Little Egret Ko-sagi コサギ ko: Little; sagi: Egret  
Black-faced Spoonbill Kurotsura-herasagi クロツラヘラサギ kuro: Black; tsura: Face; hera: Spatula; sagi: Heron Gen: herasagi = spoonbill
[rare and on RDB list]
Red-crowned Crane Tanchou タンチョウ tan: Red; chou: Top kanji: 丹頂 ("red peak")
Sandhill Crane Kanada-zuru カナダヅル kanada: Canada; zuru: Crane Gen: tsuru/-zuru = crane
Plovers, Sandpipers, other shorebirds
Pacific Golden Plover Munaguro ムナグロ muna: Breast; guro: Black Black also "kuro", "koku"
Black-bellied Plover (US)
Grey Plover (UK)
Daizen ダイゼン dai: Large; zen: Food tray Favored at banquets as it had a lot of meat (*)
Little Ringed Plover Ko-chidori コチドリ ko: Little; chidori: Plover Gen: chidori = plover
Lesser Sand Plover / Mongolian Plover Medai-chidori メダイチドリ me: Eye; dai: Large; chidori: Plover  
Greater Sand Plover Oo-medai-chidori オオメダイチドリ oo: Large; me: Eye; dai: Large; chidori: Plover  
Latham's Snipe Ooji-shigi オオジシギ oo: Large; ji: Land; shigi: Sandpiper Breeds in open areas on land (*)
Black-tailed Godwit Oguro-shigi オグロシギ o: Tail; guro: Black; shigi: Sandpiper Gen: shigi = sandpiper, stint, snipe, godwit, etc.
Bar-tailed Godwit Oo-sorihashi-shigi オオソリハシシギ oo: Large; sori: Slide: hashi: Bill; shigi: Sandpiper Sori = a slide children play on
Eurasian Curlew Daishaku-shigi ダイシャクシギ dai: Large; shaku: Ladle; shigi: Sandpiper Bill shaped like a ladle
Whimbrel Chuushaku-shigi チュウシャクシギ chuu: Medium; shaku: Ladle; shigi: Sandpiper Smaller than curlew
Far Eastern Curlew Houroku-shigi ホウロクシギ houroku: Baking pan; shigi: Sandpiper Plumage is the color of a baking pan (*)
Common Redshank Akaashi-shigi アカアシシギ aka: Red; ashi: Leg; shigi: Sandpiper  
Common Greenshank Aoashi-shigi アオアシシギ Ao: Green; ashi: Leg; shigi: Sandpiper ao sometimes = blue
Grey-tailed Tattler Kiashi-shigi キアシシギ ki: Yellow; ashi: Leg; shigi: Sandpiper  
Greater Yellowlegs Oo-kiashi-shigi オオキアシシギ oo: Large; ki: Yellow; ashi: Leg; shigi: Sandpiper  
Terek Sandpiper Sorihashi-shigi ソリハシシギ sori: Slide: hashi: Bill; shigi: Sandpiper Sori = a slide children play on
Common Sandpiper Iso-shigi イソシギ iso: Seashore; shigi: Sandpiper [Easily mistaken here for Grey-tailed Tattler]
Ruddy Turnstone Kyoujo-shigi キョウジョシギ Kyoujo: Kyoto woman; shigi: Sandpiper Plumage like kimono of Kyoto woman (*)
Rufous-necked Stint Tounen トウネン tounen: This year New "shigis" born this year, still small, passing through (*)
Long-toed Stint Hibari-shigi ヒバリシギ hibari: Skylark; shigi: Sandpiper Plumage like a skylark (*)
Dunlin Hama-shigi ハマシギ hama: Beach; shigi: Sandpiper Seen mainly at beaches and seashores (*)
Spoon-billed Sandpiper Hera-shigi ヘラシギ hera: Spatula; shigi: Sandpiper [rare and on RDB list]
Red-necked Phalarope Akaeri-hireashi-shigi アカエリヒレアシシギ aka: Red; eri: Neck; hiré: Web; ashi: Leg/Foot; shigi: Sandpiper [more at sea than at shore]
Red Phalarope Haiiro-hireashi-shigi ハイイロヒレアシシギ haiiro: Gray; hiré: Web; ashi: Leg/Foot; shigi: Sandpiper
Gulls, Terns, other seabirds
Mew Gull Kamome カモメ Kamome: Gull  
Herring Gull Seguro-kamome セグロカモメ se: Back; guro: Black; kamome: Gull  
Slaty-backed Gull Oo-seguro-kamome オオセグロカモメ oo: Large; se: Back; guro: Black; kamome: Gull  
Glaucous Gull Shiro-kamome シロカモメ shiro: White; kamome: Gull  
Ross's Gull Hime-kubiwa-kamome ヒメクビワカモメ hime: Princess; kubi: Neck: wa: Ring; kamome: Gull kubiwa = collar (for animals)
Black-headed Gull Yuri-kamome ユリカモメ yuri: Lilly; kamome: Gull  
Black-tailed Gull Umineko ウミネコ umi: Sea; neko: Cat Call sounds like a cat (*)
Black-legged Kittiwake Mitsuyubi-kamome ミツユビカモメ mitsu: Three; yubi: Toe; kamome: Gull "yubi" is also finger指 but here it is toe趾.
Red-legged Kittiwake Akaashi-mitsuyubi-kamome アカアシミツユビカモメ aka: Red; ashi: Leg; mitsu: Three; yubi: Toe; kamome: Gull
Common Tern Ajisashi アジサシ aji: Horse mackerel; sashi: Pierce Gen: ajisashi = tern
Little Tern Ko-ajisashi コアジサシ ko: Little; ajisashi: Tern  
Whiskered Tern Kurohara-ajisashi クロハラアジサシ kuro: Black; hara: Belly; ajisashi: Tern  
Short-tailed Shearwater Hashiboso-mizunagidori ハシボソミズナギドリ hashi: Bill; boso: Narrow; mizu: Water; nagi: Mowing; dori: Bird Gen: mizunagidori = shearwater
Named for the way it takes off across water (*)
Laysan Albatross Ko-ahoudori コアホウドリ ko: Small; ahou: Idiot; dori: Bird Easily-hunted "idiot bird" (*); [on RDB]; Gen: ahoudori = albatross
Fork-tailed Storm-Petrel Haiiro-umitsubame ハイイロウミツバメ Haiiro: Gray; umi: Sea; tsubame: Swallow Gen: umitsubame = storm-petrel
Northern Fulmar Furuma-kamome フルマカモメ furuma: Fulmar; kamome: Gull  
Common Murre Umigarasu ウミガラス umi: Sea; garasu: Crow Gen: umigarasu = murre/guillemot
Gen: crow = karasu
Thick-billed Murre hashibuto-umigarasu ハシブトウミガラス hashi: Bill; buto: Thick; umigarasu: Murre
Spectacled Guillemot Keimafuri ケイマフリ (Ainu) kema: Leg; huré: Red (*) [on RDB list]
Ancient Murrelet Umisuzume ウミスズメ umi: Sea; suzume: Sparrow [RDB]; Gen: umisuzume = murrelet/auklet
Crested Auklet Etorofu-umisuzume エトロフウミスズメ Etorofu: Iturup Is.; umisuzume: Auklet Iturup Island in So. Kuriles
Least Auklet Ko-umisuzume コウミスズメ ko: Small; umisuzume: Auklet  
Rhinoceros Auklet Utou ウトウ uto: Hole; u: Cormorant In No. Honshu dialect, uto = hole; digs horizontal hole like cormorant for nest (*)
Tufted Puffin Etopirika エトピリカ (Ainu) eto: Bill; pirika: Beautiful (*) [on RDB list]

To Top

    Land Birds

E Name J Name
J Name
Meaning Notes
Owls, Raptors
Blakiston's Fish-Owl Shima-fukurou シマフクロウ shima: Island; fukurou: Owl only Hokkaido
Ural Owl Ezo Fukurou (ssp) エゾフクロウ Ezo: Hokkaido; fukurou: Owl Ezo = old name for Hokkaido
Gen: fukurou = owl
White-tailed Eagle Ojiro-washi オジロワシ o: Tail; jiro: White; washi: Eagle White also "shiro", "haku"
Stellar's Sea-Eagle Oo-washi オオワシ oo: Large; washi: Eagle Gen: washi = eagle
Black Kite Tobi トビ orig "flight" but diff kanji 鳶 is current kanji
Peregrine Falcon Hayabusa ハヤブサ orig "fast wing" 隼 is current kanji
Great Spotted Woodpecker Aka-gera アカゲラ aka: Red; gera: Woodpecker Gen: woodpecker = kitsutsuki 啄木鳥 ("tree-pecking bird"); these kanji are also used in woodpecker names but are pronounced "gera" when part of a name.
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Ko-aka-gera コアカゲラ ko: Small; aka: Red; gera: Woodpecker
White-backed Woodpecker Oo-aka-gera オオアカゲラ oo: Large; aka: Red; gera: Woodpecker
Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker Ko-gera コゲラ ko: Small; gera: Woodpecker
Grey-headed Woodpecker Yama-gera ヤマゲラ yama: Mountain; gera: Woodpecker
Eurasian Wryneck Arisui アリスイ ari: Ant; sui: Suck Member of woodpecker (kitsutsuki) family
Cuckoos, Pigeons, Doves, Grouses
Common Cuckoo Kakkou カッコウ Name comes from the male's call. French: Coucou; German: Kuckuck; Dutch: Koekoek; Spanish: Cuco
Oriental Cuckoo Tsutsu-dori ツツドリ tsutsu: Pipe; dori: Bird Male's call sounds like bamboo pipe when hand is tapped at the open end (*)
Japanese Green Pigeon Ao-bato アオバト ao: Blue/green; bato: Pigeon Hato 鳩 = pigeon
Pronounced "bato" when part of a name.
Oriental Turtle Dove Kiji-bato キジバト kiji: Pheasant; bato: Pigeon
Hazel Grouse Ezo-raichou エゾライチョウ Ezo: Hokkaido; raichou: Grouse Ezo 蝦夷 = old name for Hokkaido
Common Kingfisher Kawa-semi カワセミ kawa: River; semi: Kingfisher Kanji for "kawasemi" 翡翠 is also used for "semi" as in Yama-semi 山翡翠, and pronounced "shoubin" when used in name for Aka-shoubin. Also means "jade", pronounced "hisui".
Crested Kingfisher Yama-semi ヤマセミ yama: Mountain; semi: Kingfisher
Ruddy Kingfisher Aka-shoubin アカショウビン aka: Red; shoubin: Kingfisher
Swallows, Martins, Swifts
Barn Swallow Tsubamé ツバメ Tsubamé: Swallow Tsubamé = swallow 燕
Sand Martin Shoudou-tsubamé ショウドウツバメ Shoudou: "small cave"; Tsubamé: Swallow Small swallow that has its nests in caves (*), i.e. holes in sand embankments
Asian House Martin Iwa-tsubamé イワツバメ iwa: rock/crag; Tsubamé: Swallow Breeds not only in rocks and crags but also under bridges near towns, Abashiri, too!
Pacific Swift Amatsubamé アマツバメ Amatsubamé: Swift Ama+tsubamé 雨燕 Kanji = "rain swallow"
White-throated Needletail Hario-amatsubamé ハリオアマツバメ hari: Needle; o: Tail; amatsubamé: Swift
Skylark, Wagtails, Waxwings, Bulbul, Shrikes, Dipper
Eurasian Skylark Hibari ヒバリ Hibari: Skylark Hibari 雲雀 Kanji = "cloud sparrow"
Gray/Grey Wagtail Ki-sekirei キセキレイ ki: Yellow; sekirei: Wagtail Seki+rei 鶺鴒 Each kanji separately also means wagtail (according to Nelson's 1974).
Yellow Wagtail Tsumenaga-sekirei ツメナガセキレイ tsume: Nail; naga: Long; sekirei: Wagtail
White Wagtail Haku-sekirei ハクセキレイ haku: White; sekirei: Wagtail White also "shiro", or "jiro" when part of a name
Japanese Wagtail Seguro-sekirei セグロセキレイ se: Back; guro: Black; sekirei: Wagtail Black also "kuro", "koku"; "guro" when part of a name
Bohemian Waxwing Ki-renjaku キレンジャク ki: Yellow; renjaku: Waxwing Ren+jaku 連雀 Kanji = "together sparrow", since they fly as a group (*)
Japanese Waxwing Hi-renjaku ヒレンジャク hi: Scarlet; renjaku: Waxwing
Brown-eared Bulbul Hiyodori ヒヨドリ "hiyo bird" Hiyodori 鵯 Name from familiar call that sounds like "hiyohiyo" (*)
Bull-headed Shrike Mozu モズ "100 tongues" bird Mozu 百舌 (100 tongues) Because it mimics the calls of a wide variety of birds (*)
Brown Shrike Aka-mozu アカモズ aka: Red; mozu: Shrike
Brown Dipper Kawa-garasu カワガラス kawa: River; garasu: Crow Kawa+garasu 河烏 Crow = karasu, "garasu" when part of a name
Wren, Stubtail, Warblers
Eurasian Wren Misosazai ミソサザイ "small bird" (sazai) in a "channel" (miso) (*) Misosazai 鷦鷯; Kanji have ancient origins.
Goldcrest Kiku-itadaki キクイタダキ kiku: Chrysanthemum; itadaki: Received Kiku+itadaki 菊戴; Got a chrysanthemum on its crest (*)
Asian Stubtail Yabusamé ヤブサメ yabu: Grove; (s)amé: Rain Yabu+same 薮雨; Call like soft rain falling in a grove (*)
Japanese Bush Warbler Uguisu ウグイス "Bird that calls 'u ku i'" (*) Uguisu 鶯; Also called "Hokkekyo" from its call.
Gray's Grasshopper Warbler Ezo-sennyuu エゾセンニュウ Ezo: Hokkaido; sennyuu: GW Ezo+sennyuu 蝦夷仙入 sennyuu = "becoming a hermit", moves freely in tall grass (*)
Middendorff's Grasshopper Warbler Shima-sennyuu シマセンニュウ shima: Island; sennyuu: GW Shima+sennyuu 島仙入
Lanceolated Grasshopper Warbler Makino-sennyuu マキノセンニュウ makino: Meadow; sennyuu: GW Makino+sennyuu 牧野仙入
Black-browed Reed Warbler Ko-yoshikiri コヨシキリ ko: Small; yoshikiri: RW Ko+yoshikiri 小葦切; yoshi 葦 = reed
Oriental Reed Warbler Oo-yoshikiri コヨシキリ oo: Large; yoshikiri: RW Oo+yoshikiri 大葦切; yoshi 葦 = reed
Eastern Crowned Leaf Warbler Sendai-mushikui センダイムシクイ sendai: (unclear*); mushi: Insect; kui: Eat Sendai+mushikui 仙台 (千代?*) 虫食
Sakhalin Leaf Warbler Ezo-mushikui エゾムシクイ Ezo: Hokkaido; mushi: Insect; kui: Eat Ezo+mushikui 蝦夷虫食; Sakhalin: large island north of Hokkaido in Russia.
Kamchatka Leaf Warbler Oo-mushikui エゾムシクイ oo: Large; mushi: Insect; kui: Eat Oo+mushikui 大虫食; Kamchatka: large peninsula ne of Hokkaido in Russia.
Members of the Flycatcher family (Hitaki-ka)
Siberian Rubythroat Nogoma ノゴマ no: Field/Meadow; goma: Horse No+goma 野駒; Koma 駒 = horse/pony; Pronounced "goma" when part of a name
Japanese Robin Komadori コマドリ koma: Horse; dori: Bird Koma+dori 駒鳥; Pronounced "dori" when part of a name
Siberian Stonechat No-bitaki ノビタキ no: Field/Meadow; bitaki: Flycatcher No+bitaki 野鶲; hitaki 鶲 is "bitaki" when in a name
Red-flanked Bluetail Ruri-bitaki ルリビタキ ruri: Lapis lazuli blue; bitaki: Flycatcher Ruri+bitaki 瑠璃鶲
Siberian Blue Robin Ko-ruri コルリ ko: Small; ruri: Lapis lazuli blue Ko+ruri 小瑠璃
Blue-and-white Flycatcher Oo-ruri オオルリ oo: Large; ruri: Lapis lazuli blue Oo+ruri 大瑠璃

[by Douglas Braat]